For a long time I’ve been wanting to write more and work on finding my “written voice.” I’m amazing at coming up with excuses for not doing it. Kids, dog, laundry, dinner, and well, The Bachelor isn’t going to watch itself, you get it.
I always try to be that friend – the one with the suggestions, ideas and encouragement for those that I love. After a year and half of living with Celiac Disease and navigating the challenging, frustrating, yet ultimately healing world of gluten free living, I’ve decided that I could be “that friend” to people as they navigate the choppy waters of this disease too.
After years and years and years of asking my doctors to help me figure out why I was so tired – ALL THE TIME – I finally landed on my answer – Celiac Disease. My GI doc was amazingly supportive and directed me to a nutritionist who also has Celiac Disease. She gave me some building blocks, but ultimately, it was on me. I needed to figure out how to move through my life as a mother and a wife, as a person living with this disease.
I can remember the early days when all I thought about was food. All the time. If you’ve been there, you know. I’ve always loved cooking, baking and eating, but now, it took on a whole new dimension.
Once I mourned the loss of the traditional foods that I loved, I decided to attack this new lifestyle change with reckless abandon. I completely recognize that everyone has to take a different path towards health and acceptance. For me, it was going “all in” and doing my best to learn what could help me feel better while maintaining a normal balance for my family of wheat-eaters.
To learn a little more about me, please visit my About Me page. There a few things I can say with certainty about myself and what you will find here:
- Anything I do, I with my whole heart
- I am nowhere close to perfect
- I will and do make mistakes – often – tell me about them…nicely
- I am not a medical doctor and don’t plan on becoming one – I can only tell you what I’ve experienced
- I’m intending to keep this project fun & positive because Celiac/GI comes with so many bummers and hope you will help me with that
- I’m so excited to see where this will take us!